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Adb Safety and Training Ltd offer the Reassessment service as and when required and can accommodate your needs at our dedicated training centre here in Bristol - Saturday events can be made available


Assessment dates  arranged as and when required



The NRSWA Re-Assessment process was introduced to improve the standard of workers on the highway following new regulations that came into force in April 2010.


On 6th April 2017 new regulations came into force,

The regulations allow you to take the re-assessment course up to 5 years after your expiry date, as soon as your certificates expire though you will not be qualified to perform the work that certificate covers.

Cards won't have an expiry date, instead you will have certificate expiry dates.

You can add certificates to your card at any point, each certificate will last for 5 years.

When a certificate approaches expiry you will be able to renew it any time in its last year without losing the unexpired portion. If you renew a certificate with 10 months left, your new certificate will last for 5 years and 10 months.

You can take your re-assessment more than a year before it expires but the new certificate will last for 6 years maximum only.

A certificate is not valid once it has expired but it can be renewed by re-assessment any time up to 5 years after this date. ( Useful if you stop doing streetworks for a while then return to the industry later).


Assessment is by completion of an "Open book, multiple choice test paper for each unit held, an 80% pass mark is required for each unit attempted.  This is done electronically on a dedicated Smart device 

A certificate for each unit will be provided and a new card will be applied for, following which, details will be registered on the Streetworks Register


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