On-site Experienced Worker
Practical Assessments
Trained and experienced operatives on site ?
When did they last receive their accreditation ?
Do you need to confirm practical quality assurance for investigation purposes
Are operatives on site following approved codes of practices ?
We carry out experienced worker assessments (in a controlled environment), in the following categories:
- Underground cable and pipe avoidance (Practical application)
- Excavator Banksman (Practical application)
- Safe use of cut off saws including Abrasive Wheel updates
- Fusion techniques (Butt and or Electro - Practical application)
- Street works (practical application)
- Manual Handling (practical application)
Those experienced operatives being assessed will receive a pre assessment briefing identifying arrangements and assessment requirements. Evidence may be required to prove previous qualification
The candidate will need to demonstrate previous knowledge through verbal explanation
As this is an assessment for experienced workers only, there is no formal training involved, however, some coaching may be available outside of the assessment time
To book , please contact Aidan below