Data processing and Retention Policy
Adb Safety and Training
Adb Safety and Training, by virtue of its business as a training and development provider, has a requirement to obtain certain personal information on the candidates going through various accreditation systems and awarding bodies offered by the centre. It is therefore a requirement under current GDPR to safeguard any personal information disclosed by candidates to ensure that information provided is not abused and used intentionally or unintentionally for matters other than that required to undertake and award a required qualification
What Mandatory information is required
• Name
• Date of Birth
• Sex
• Address (business / Work or Private address – for onward transmission of accreditation)
• Photograph (passport type for accreditation cards )
Where will this information be stored
Manual records will be held securely in a locked cabinet, when not being worked on, until verified by an external verifier of the awarding body the training and accreditation records relates. Once this has been done, manual documentation relating to the course work / Assessments will be destroyed by shredding in line with the awarding bodies policy. (Summary details will be kept securely in a locked cabinet for a period of 6 years, for validation purposes before being destroyed by shredding )
Electronic data will be stored on a dedicated external drive, which will be secured when not in use in a locked cabinet within the centre “Adb Safety and Training”. Electronic Media (scans of awarding body documentation / applications) will be deleted within a reasonable period i.e. 3 months following receipt and dissemination of accreditation to the candidate. Photographs of candidates will not be stored on “personal” smart devices (a smart device is currently used as a dedicated device for the purpose of data collection (photograph for awarding body, which will be deleted once the awarding body has issued the accreditation card and has been confirmed to be correct ) This dedicated device will not be used for personal use and will be secured in a locked cabinet when not in use. All electronic data devices will be password enabled
Third Parties
Adb Safety and Training will not transfer or divulge candidate personal information ( Manual or electronically, to any third party other than the organisation relating to the qualification undertaken )
Data controller ( Aidan Best )
for on and behalf of
Adb Safety and Training Ltd