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From 6 April 2012, brief written records should be kept of non-licensed work, which has to be notified e.g. copy of the notification with a list of workers on the job, plus the level of likely exposure of those workers to asbestos.

This does not require air monitoring on every job, if an estimate of degree of exposure can be made based on experience of similar past tasks or published guidance.

By April 2015, all workers/self employed doing notifiable non-licensed work with asbestos must be health surveillanced by a Doctor.

Workers who are already under health surveillance for licensed work need not have another medical examination for non-licensed work however medicals for notifiable non-licensed work are NOT acceptable for those doing licensed work 

The HSE has also published a brief guide for those who own, manage or have other responsibilities for buildings which may contain asbestos. It includes all non-domestic premises and the common areas of domestic buildings, for example halls, lift shafts, stairwells and roof spaces. . The leaflet has been re-issued following the changes implemented by the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 and can be accessed via the following

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